Service from Ai Native Team for Actual Result, Valuable Leads, Manageable Risk and High Return of Exponential Clicks from the Potential Market. Join Now!

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Ai Powered Performance Marketing Solve Main Digital Marketing Problem : Budget of Advertising Campaign that Does not Perform!

Ai functioned in processing raw information which flooded the internet become relevant and on context, helping us to do, for example, content personalization. But in Performance Marketing, Ai being used by Ai-native team to enhanced the increment of the campaign performance.

Ai berfungsi memporses dan merelevansikan informasi mentah yang beredar di Internet menjadi memiliki suatu tujuan atau konteks. Dalam hal digital marketing dan tawaran performance marketing kami Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk personalisasi konten Anda dengan kemungkinan keberhasilan sesuai target marketing Anda meningkat.

We build your asset also your audience in Tribe Building manner so implement the powerful Ai tools will multiply already high quality traffic/engagement.

Kami membangun aset Anda secara sistematis menarget kata kunci atau niche market yang potensial. Kami tawarkan dalam bentuk penawaran Performance Marketing.

How you can leverage from a keyword planner on first step of business assumption’s validation. In order accurately execute the business strategy of targeting highly potential trending keyword.

Apa itu keyword planner, keyword planner adalah bagaimana kita dapat menarget pasar yang sedang trending dengan tepat. Kami cari yang dengan aset client yang ada dan dengan utilisasi aset yang ada dapat mendapatkan kesempatan ikut dalam ombak kata kunci tersebut.

Our approach founded on deep and laser deep research of the industry, started from keyword planner. Simulation after simulation, and mathematical approach and then combined with high level of geniuses creative team, we present offers that directly provide the result and benefit called Performance Marketing.

Performance marketing helps niche market industry to strive and adapt with the actual new-trending keyword. Being searched and as a proof as a commodity of existing market. Later it can be transformed into foundation on clients new innovative product that serve the market in a new level. So coming from the out of date, clients thrive to be market leader later even become a game changer.

Performance marketing menolong market yang niche/ceruk kecil. Dimana anggaran iklan sebesar apapun tidak menyelamatkan, opsi deal berdasarkan leads ditawarkan dimana uji coba cara pandang baru untuk mendekati pasar ini resikonya dikelola oleh tim professional.

Dalam dunia pemasaran digital yang terus berkembang, salah satu tantangan terbesar yang dihadapi perusahaan adalah iklan yang tidak menghasilkan hasil yang diharapkan. Banyak bisnis menginvestasikan anggaran pemasaran mereka ke dalam iklan digital, namun sering kali tidak melihat dampak yang signifikan terhadap penjualan atau pertumbuhan. Berikut adalah beberapa penyebab utama dan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini.

Understanding Key Metrics to Assess Your Marketing Success / Memahami Metrik Utama untuk Menilai Keberhasilan Pemasaran Anda

In the world of digital marketing, understanding key metrics is essential for evaluating campaign success. Here are some important metrics to consider, along with case studies to provide context.

Dalam dunia pemasaran digital, memahami metrik utama adalah kunci untuk menilai keberhasilan kampanye. Berikut adalah beberapa metrik penting yang perlu diperhatikan, disertai dengan studi kasus untuk memberikan konteks.

1. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

Case Study: XYZ E-commerce XYZ E-commerce invested IDR 10,000,000 in ads to gain 10 new customers. With a CPA of IDR 1,000,000, the company can evaluate the cost per customer and adjust future ad budgets to reduce expenses.

Studi Kasus: E-commerce XYZ E-commerce XYZ menginvestasikan IDR 10.000.000 dalam iklan untuk mendapatkan 10 pelanggan baru. Dengan CPA sebesar IDR 1.000.000, perusahaan dapat mengevaluasi biaya per pelanggan dan menyesuaikan anggaran iklan di masa depan untuk mengurangi biaya.

2. Return on Investment (ROI)

Case Study: ABC Financial Services Company ABC Financial Services launched a marketing campaign with a total cost of IDR 5,000,000, generating IDR 25,000,000 in revenue. With a 400% ROI, they can see that their marketing strategy was highly profitable. This helps them identify the most effective methods and increase investments in those channels.

Studi Kasus: Perusahaan Layanan Keuangan ABC Perusahaan Layanan Keuangan ABC meluncurkan kampanye pemasaran dengan total biaya IDR 5.000.000 dan menghasilkan pendapatan IDR 25.000.000. Dengan ROI 400%, mereka dapat melihat bahwa strategi pemasaran yang digunakan sangat menguntungkan. Ini membantu mereka mengidentifikasi metode yang paling efektif dan meningkatkan investasi pada saluran tersebut.

3. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Case Study: DEF Tech Startup DEF Startup launched a social media ad campaign and recorded a 5% CTR. By comparing different ads, they found that ads featuring attractive product images had higher CTRs. This encouraged them to focus on visual content in future campaigns.

Studi Kasus: Startup Teknologi DEF Startup DEF meluncurkan kampanye iklan di media sosial dan mencatat CTR sebesar 5%. Dengan membandingkan iklan yang berbeda, mereka menemukan bahwa iklan dengan gambar produk yang menarik memiliki CTR yang lebih tinggi. Hal ini mendorong mereka untuk fokus pada konten visual dalam kampanye mendatang.

4. Conversion Rate

Case Study: GHI SaaS Company GHI Company offers a free trial of their product. They found that out of 1,000 visitors, 100 signed up for the trial, yielding a 10% conversion rate. Through analysis, they realized that optimizing their landing page could boost conversions, so they made significant changes to its design and content.

Studi Kasus: Perusahaan SaaS GHI Perusahaan GHI menawarkan uji coba gratis produk mereka. Mereka menemukan bahwa dari 1.000 pengunjung, 100 di antaranya mendaftar untuk uji coba, menghasilkan conversion rate sebesar 10%. Melalui analisis, mereka menyadari bahwa mengoptimalkan halaman arahan dapat meningkatkan konversi, sehingga mereka melakukan perubahan yang signifikan pada desain dan konten.

5. Engagement Rate

Case Study: JKL Fashion Brand JKL Brand uses Instagram to interact with their customers. With an 8% engagement rate, they analyzed which types of content captured their audience’s attention. As a result, they started producing more video and behind-the-scenes content, increasing follower interaction.

Studi Kasus: Merek Fashion JKL Merek JKL menggunakan Instagram untuk berinteraksi dengan pelanggan mereka. Dengan tingkat keterlibatan sebesar 8%, mereka menganalisis jenis konten yang paling menarik perhatian audiens. Hasilnya, mereka mulai memproduksi lebih banyak konten video dan behind-the-scenes yang meningkatkan interaksi dengan pengikut mereka.

Conclusion / Kesimpulan

Understanding key metrics like CPA, ROI, CTR, conversion rate, and engagement rate is crucial for assessing marketing success. The case studies above illustrate how companies can use these metrics to make better decisions and enhance campaign effectiveness. By continuously monitoring and analyzing these metrics, businesses can optimize their strategies and achieve their desired goals.

Memahami metrik utama seperti CPA, ROI, CTR, conversion rate, dan engagement rate sangat penting untuk menilai keberhasilan pemasaran. Studi kasus di atas menunjukkan bagaimana perusahaan dapat menggunakan metrik ini untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dan meningkatkan efektivitas kampanye mereka. Dengan terus memantau dan menganalisis metrik ini, bisnis dapat mengoptimalkan strategi mereka dan mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan.


Result of Ai integrated system for your business website

Digital Marketing and Our Objective of AI-Powered Performance Marketing: To place clients on the right path and set the foundation for re-innovating their business, unlocking potential as a game changer to an exponential impact.

ai powered performance marketing framework - iteration to create snowball effect

Our Digital Marketing Strategy Effectively Win Current Challenges:

1. No Least Measurable Metrics

Have your brand able to speak so time efficient yet so effective to new comer traffic? unclear even unmeasurable metric of your strategy might be the answer. Without well measured metrics, first it is hard to determine the campaign performance and it leads to unorganized approach to build or iterate your way to achieve your goal.

Solution : It is important to determine your well-measured metric, like Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) or Return on Investment (ROI) in the beginning of the campaign. By that client can follow up whether the campaign achieve their goal or not.

2. No Wrong Niche Market

Determining your niche market, whether it is new trending-market that is still need being tested, or commodity type market which the existence and the volume of the market already clear. Both should be done iteratively but that is one foremost ultimate first step in doing online campaign. Once this is wrong, you either aim un-potential high volume traffic (which will spend your budget without result) or potential traffic but almost no-volume which means there will no enough data to be learnt from ;it takes forever to get you to the average point where determining the campaign performance become harder.

Solution : Market research and undestanding market behaviour are two important steps in validating the success of client campaign. With better approach on aim the market, probability to get the desired result is become higher.

3. Creativity that is on Target or irelevan

Campaign which is not appealing for the target audiences whether has wrong business assumption or wrong in personification the correct targeted audience that is also result in not accurate business assumption.

Solution : Focus on iteration of making high-quality and personalization content based on market profile. Using storytelling and attractive visual element will gather audiences focus and increase the traction.

4. Using Only a Valid High Quality Data

Many business fail to leverage data analytics to optimized their campaign. Without sharp accurate analysis, it will be hard to know which one to fix and which one needs to be maintained.

Solution : Implement analysis tools as Google Analytics to monitor campaign performance and making strategic adjustment based on high quality data. It will help a lot in understanding audience behaviour and improve marketing strategy.

5. Digital Marketing Monitoring and Adjustment Plan

Many advertising campaigns are launched without a clear monitoring plan. As a result, companies are unable to quickly identify issues and make necessary adjustments.

Solution: Create a monitoring plan that includes regular evaluations of campaign performance. By making periodic adjustments, companies can ensure that ads remain relevant and effective.

Conclusion: Benefits of AI-Powered Digital Marketing

The challenge of ineffective and unmeasurable ads is a significant issue in digital marketing. However, by focusing on services that provide clearer metrics, precise audience targeting, and data-driven campaign optimization, companies can address these problems. With a measured, results-oriented approach, companies can increase ad effectiveness and better achieve their marketing goals.

AI-powered performance marketing assists corporate partners who feel that their market is highly complex or niche, so budgets spent without a clear strategy end up ineffective. This approach provides results proportionate to the risks involved, supported by a comprehensive strategy, a fresh and unique perspective powered by a dedicated team and AI capabilities. Get your leads, now!

So, How to Apply AI-Powered Performance in Digital Marketing for Exponential Results? The IDEF0 Formula for Monitoring Marketing Activities and AI Tools that Enhance Everything

In managing paid SEM ads, the method we developed achieves a higher number of clicks and conversions while simultaneously reducing the cost per conversion. This approach provides greater growth opportunities, stronger organic ranking on Google, and minimizes campaign failure or wasted expenses.

How's Counting The Digital Marketing which Based on Performance?

We believe due to uniqueness of each business, business classification and their most accurate metrics measured for the success of the performance varies such as :


The highest form of target, real deal! Synergy of all your performance, become one.


Also known as conversion, this will help you to get closer to deal and improving closing strategy. We can help you to achieve your leads target.


Also known as traffic, so we help you to achieve your click target.


The first step to know how well your advertising or campaign performance, so we help you to achieve your impression target.

Price List of Digital Marketing Services Using Performance Marketing KPI : Leads

Corporate Type1 B2B Client `{`All in Service`}`
Rp750000 - 2000000
Get Started
Proven Leads (Based on KPI)
Targeted Leads (Achieved KPI)
Market research (targeting trending market)
New website or copywriting making with SEO engine
Systematical approach for the decision making of innovative ideas and project timeline
Training and consultation session (Ai powered for Ai native team)
Including website ranking monitoring
Including main SEO backlink
Corporate Type2 B2B Client `{`All in Service`}`
Rp2100000 - 5000000
Get Started
Proven Leads (Based on KPI)
Targeted Leads (Achieved KPI)
Market research (targeting trending market)
New website or copywriting making with SEO engine
Systematical approach for the decision making of innovative ideas and project timeline
Training and consultation session (Ai powered for Ai native team)
Including website ranking monitoring
Including main SEO backlink
Corporate Type3 B2B Client `{`All in Service`}`
Rp5000000 - 10000000
Get Started
Proven Leads (Based on KPI)
Targeted Leads (Achieved KPI)
Market research (targeting trending market)
New website or copywriting making with SEO engine
Systematical approach for the decision making of innovative ideas and project timeline
Training and consultation session (Ai powered for Ai native team)
Including website ranking monitoring
Including main SEO backlink

Digital Marketing Workshop by Native-Ai Team

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Real Business Website with Integrated SEO Engine (Backlinks Included)

Making real business for your business website
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Effective Business Review and Presentation Tailored to New and Potential Keywords

Ai Personalization content. A Showcase of How Modern Marketing and Tribe Building Are Applied. Strategic copy writing targeting how to win a potential trending niche market.
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